Endrigo Enrico Arrigo Errico Errigo Anrico Unrico Emerico Almerigo Almerico Aimerico Americo Arriguccio Emerio
Hemerich Hinrich Emmerich Heinrich Hendrik Henry Henrik Emerich Henrich Hendrick Hendryck Hendryk Hendric Hendryc
Hinrich Heinrich Hendrik Henry Henryk Henrik Emmerik Emmert Emmery Hinrik Henrich Heinrick Heinrik Henricus Henrikus
Hinrich Heinrich Hendrik Henry Henryk Henrik Henrikki Emerik Henrich Emeryc Emeryck Emryc Emryk Emryck Henricus Hintrikki Hinterikki Himppa
Hinrich Heinrich Hendrik Henry Henryk Henrik Emerik Emerich Emmerik Emmert Hinrik Hindrik Henric Henrich Emerick Emric Emrick Emeryc Emeryck Emryc Emryk Emryck Henricus Hinrek Henrikus
Emmerich Aimeric Haimirich Heimiric Heimric Heimrich Henric Heimirich Haimirick Heimerich Haimerich Heinric Hainreych Heimerih Heimrih Heimirih Hemmerich Hemrich Hemric Aimirich Aymirich Aimerich Aymerich Henrih
Henderson Henry Emerik Amerika Emerick Emric Emrick Emeryc Emeryck Emryc Emryk Emryck Hendrick Hendryck Hendryk Hendric Hendryc Heriot Herriot
Aenrichus Americus Ameriko Amerikus Hendrikus Henricus Henricī Henricō Henrice Hendricus Arrigus Heinricus
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A number 9 person is humane and selfless. Compassion, tolerance, idealism and sensitivity are the hallmarks of number 9. Number 9 individuals often give unselfishly to others.
The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in a tiny cave behind and above the pituitary gland which lies a little behind the root of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle. This chakra is also known as the upper dan tien. The ninth chakra is an interesting chakra in that it is in this chakra that all the Christ abilities lie dormant, waiting to be released and used in the outer and inner worlds. The shift in focus at this time is toward that Christ energy and the accompanying abilities that go along with it. Hence, a great deal of work and energy is now being sent into physical reality to help the individual open up and expand this energy center.
It is no surprise that gold symbolizes wealth used wisely, but it is also the symbol of good health. People who favor the color gold are optimistic. The Tibetan Buddhist believes in 5 sacred stones: the crystal for light, turquoise for infinity of sea and sky, coral for life and form, gold for the golden ray of the sun, silver for the light of the moon. Gold is intimately linked with Divinity and those gods associated with the Sun. It symbolizes wealth and success.
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