masculine Annibale

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Name Root:
hann Ba'al > Hanniba'al
This name derives from the Phoenician “hann ba’al > hanniba’al,” meaning “grace of Ba’al, my favor is with Ba’al, charitable is the lord.” Baal, also rendered Baʿal, is a Northwest Semitic title and honorific meaning “master” or “lord” that is used for various gods who were patrons of cities in the Levant and Asia minor, cognate to Akkadian “Bēlu.” A Baalist or Baalite means a worshipper of Baal. Hannibal, (born July 5, 1851, in Messina, Italy, died June 1, 1927) is a saint venerated by the Roman Catholic Church. His father Francis was a Knight of the marquises of St. Catherine of Jonio, papal vice-consul and honorary captain of the navy.



Use in other languages

middle french
middle english

Where is the name Annibale popular?

International Interest for Annibale

Interest is based how many people viewed this name from each country and is scaled based on the total views by each country so that large countries do not always show the most interest. Darker blue on the map indicates that people in the country are more likely to search for this name.

world popularity of Annibale

Popularity & Ranking

United States Ranking #4266

Namedoctor Weekly Ranking #0


New Age Curiosities

Numerological Values: #4

Order, practicality, sincerity and hard work are some of the character traits associated with this number. A number 4 person is disciplined, serious, honest and will work steadily to achieving his goal. Such a person can bring order to an otherwise chaotic situation.

Chakra Number: #4
Heart Chakra "Anahata"

Green is the main heart chakra color. It is the color of healing, balance, tranquility, and serenity. Green brings wholeness to our lives and it is the color most frequently found in nature. Learn more about this color and discover its meaning.

Color meaning: Green

The color green is the color of balance and harmony. From a color psychology perspective, it is the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium between the head and the heart. From a meaning of colors perspective, green is also the color of growth, the color of spring, of renewal and rebirth. It renews and restores depleted energy. It is the sanctuary away from the stresses of modern living, restoring us back to a sense of well being. This is why there is so much of this relaxing color on the earth, and why we need to keep it that way.

Name Songs

According to: itunes

prova a pensare annibale
giorgio gaber

Notable People and Personalities

Annibale Albani, Italian Cardinal
Annibale Arces, Italian Painter
Annibale Bergonzoli, Italian General
Annibale Betrone, Italian Actor
Annibale Bizzelli, Italian Composer
Annibale Boni, Italian Politician
Annibale Bozzuti, Italian Cardinal
Annibale Brasola, Italian Road Cyclist
Annibale Brugnoli, Italian Painter
Annibale Bugnini, Italian Catholic Archbishop
Annibale Caccavello, Italian Sculptor And Architect
Annibale Capalti, Italian Cardinal
Annibale Carracci, Italian Painter
Annibale Certani, Italian Engineer And Agronomist
Annibale Comessatti, Italian Mathematician And Scientist
Annibale Cressoni, Italian Journalist And Patriot
Annibale De Gasparis, Italian Astronomer And Mathematician
Annibale De Leo, Italian Catholic Archbishop And Scholar
Annibale Della Genga, First Name Of Pope Leo Xii
Annibale Di Saluzzo, Italian Politician And Military
Annibale Evaristo Breccia, Italian Egyptologist
Annibale Ferrero, Italian Mathematician
Annibale Fontana, Italian Sculptor
Annibale Frossi, Italian Football Coach, Journalist And Footballer
Annibale Gaggini, Italian Goldsmith And Silversmith
Annibale Gatti, Italian Painter
Annibale Giordano, Italian-born French Mathematician And Revolutionary
Annibale I Bentivoglio, Lord Of Bologna
Annibale Ii Bentivoglio, Lord Of Bologna
Annibale Leonardelli, Italian Jesuit Priest And Biblical Commentator
Annibale Lucio, Writer, Croatian Poet And Translator
Annibale Maffei, Italian General And Diplomat
Annibale Maria Di Francia, Italian Priest And Holy
Annibale Marini, Italian Jurist
Annibale Mariotti, Italian Physician And Poet
Annibale Mazzuoli, Italian Painter And Restorer
Annibale Ninchi, Italian Actor And Author
Annibale Olivieri Degli Abati, Italian Archaeologist, Numismatist And Bibliophile
Annibale Padovano, Italian Composer And Organist
Annibale Papetti, Italian Actor
Annibale Pavone, Italian Actor
Annibale Pio Fabri, Italian Tenor And Composer
Annibale Ranuzzi, Italian Geographer And Patriot
Annibale Riccò, Italian Astronomer And Astrophysicist
Annibale Rigotti, Italian Engineer, Architect
Annibale Ruccello, Italian Playwright, Actor
Annibale Rucellai, Italian Catholic Bishop And Papal Adviser
Annibale Shepherd, Italian Philosopher
Annibale Visconti, Italian Military