masculine Pascal

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Name Root:
pésakh > pasḥā > páskha > pascha‎ -ālis > paschalis
This name derives from the Latin “Paschalis or Pashalis” which means “passage, relating to Easter,” from the Latin “pascha‎ -ālis,” from the Ancient Greek “páskha (πάσχα),” from the Aramaic “pasḥā,” which in turn derives from the Hebrew “pésakh,” which means “to be born on, or to be associated with, Passover day.” Since the Hebrew holiday Passover coincides closely with the later Christian holiday of Easter, the Latin word came to be used for both occasions. 1) Mysterii Paschalis is the incipit of an apostolic letter issued “motu proprio” by Pope Paul VI on 14 February 1969. It reorganized the liturgical year of the Roman Rite and revised the liturgical celebrations of Jesus Christ and the saints in the General Roman Calendar. 2) Pope Saint Paschal I (Latin: Paschalis I; †824) was Pope from 25 January 817 to his death in 824. His mother was the renowned religious, the Lady Theodora.



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Where is the name Pascal popular?

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world popularity of Pascal

Popularity & Ranking

United States Ranking #4050

Namedoctor Weekly Ranking #8204


New Age Curiosities

Numerological Values: #7

Number 7 individuals are analytical and inquisitive. They have a thirst for knowledge and often make great academics, researchers or scientists. They have a strong sense of independence and tend to do things their own way. Number 7 individuals are believed to be self-reliant and may come across as reserved.

Chakra Number: #7
Crown Chakra "Sahasrara"

Violet is the color of the crown chakra and it is the color of cosmic awareness and cosmic consciousness. It is a unifying color, the color of oneness and spirituality. The energy of this color is very healing and can soothe away pain. Learn more about this powerful spiritual color.

Color meaning: Violet

The color violet relates to the imagination and spirituality. It stimulates the imagination and inspires high ideals. It is an introspective color, allowing us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts. The difference between violet and purple is that violet appears in the visible light spectrum, or rainbow, whereas purple is simply a mix of red and blue. Violet has the highest vibration in the visible spectrum.

Name Songs

According to: itunes

pascal, je reviens
bÉa tristan
l'absence (À bob et pascal)
didier barbelivien
hocus pocus
pascal le keuponet l'amour
les garÇons bouchers
pascal, scal, scal
pascal parisot

Notable People and Personalities

Pascal Beaupré, Canadian Politician
Pascal Behrenbruch, German Decathlete
Pascal Bentoiu, Romanian Modernist Composer
Pascal Bieler, German Football Player
Pascal Bonitzer, French Screenwriter And Actor
Pascal Bosschaart, Dutch Footballer
Pascal Broadley, English Cricketer
Pascal Bruckner, French Writer
Pascal Caffet, French Pastry Confectioner And Chocolate Maker
Pascal Charbonneau, Canadian Grandmaster Of Chess
Pascal Covici, Romanian-american Book Publisher And Editor
Pascal Cygan, French Footballer
Pascal Dupuis, Canadian Professional Ice Hockey Player
Pascal Duquenne, Belgian Actor
Pascal Elbé, French Actor And Director
Pascal Engel, French Philosopher
Pascal Etcheber, French Author And Philosopher
Pascal Foucart, French Artist
Pascal Greggory, French Actor
Pascal Groß, German Footballer
Pascal Hens, German Handball Player
Pascal Johansen, French Footballer
Pascal Kané, French Director And Actor
Pascal Kleiman, French Musician
Pascal Lainé, French Writer
Pascal Leclaire, Canadian Professional Ice Hockey Goaltender
Pascal Lissouba, Congolese President
Pascal Lorot, French Economist And Political Scientist
Pascal Mariini, French Football Player
Pascal Meunier, French Documentary Photographer
Pascal Ohsé, French Jazz Trumpeter
Pascal Pia, French Writer, Journalist, Illustrator
Pascal Poirier, Canadian Author
Pascal Portes, French Former Professional Tennis Player
Pascal Quignard, French Writer
Pascal Renfer, Swiss Footballer
Pascal Richard, French-speaking Swiss Former Racing Cyclist
Pascal Rogé, French Pianist
Pascal Roller, German Basketball Player
Pascal Sebah, French Pioneer Photographer
Pascal Taché, Canadian Politician
Pascal Taskin, French Harpsichord And Piano Maker
Pascal Tayot, French Judoka
Pascal Tosi, Italian Jesuit
Pascal Van Assendelft, Dutch Sprinter
Pascal Vittori, New Caledonian Politician
Pascal White, Belgian Adult Acress
Pascal Wollach, Canadian Swimmer
Pascal Zuberbühler, Swiss Football Goalkeeper