masculine Milán

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Name Root:
It is a common Slavic male name, originally a diminutive of several names beginning or ending from the element “milŭ ‎(милъ) mil ‎(мил),” meaning “kind, dear, nice, pleasant, loving, gracious, gentle, mild,” such as Miloslav, Bogumil, and Milorad. It is of Slavic origin and comes from the following roots: (MILOSLAV) (BOGUMIL) and (MILORAD). The name Milan was in the top 5 names for boys born in Serbia in 2012. It was in the top 20 names for boys born in Slovakia in 2004. It was the eighth most popular name for boys born in the Netherlands in 2007 and seventh in Flanders in 2009.


hungarian (magyar)
hungarian (magyar)

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Where is the name Milán popular?

International Interest for Milán

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world popularity of Milán

Popularity & Ranking

United States Ranking #324

Namedoctor Weekly Ranking #1356


New Age Curiosities

Numerological Values: #4

Order, practicality, sincerity and hard work are some of the character traits associated with this number. A number 4 person is disciplined, serious, honest and will work steadily to achieving his goal. Such a person can bring order to an otherwise chaotic situation.

Chakra Number: #4
Heart Chakra "Anahata"

Green is the main heart chakra color. It is the color of healing, balance, tranquility, and serenity. Green brings wholeness to our lives and it is the color most frequently found in nature. Learn more about this color and discover its meaning.

Color meaning: Green

The color green is the color of balance and harmony. From a color psychology perspective, it is the great balancer of the heart and the emotions, creating equilibrium between the head and the heart. From a meaning of colors perspective, green is also the color of growth, the color of spring, of renewal and rebirth. It renews and restores depleted energy. It is the sanctuary away from the stresses of modern living, restoring us back to a sense of well being. This is why there is so much of this relaxing color on the earth, and why we need to keep it that way.

Name Songs

Notable People and Personalities

Milan Baroš (born 1981) Czech Football (soccer) Player
Milan Begović (1876–1948) Croatian Writer
Milan Biševac (born 1983) Serbian Football (soccer) Player
Milan Hejduk (born 1976) Retired Czech Professional Ice Hockey Player
Milan Hodža (1878–1944) Slovak Politician And Journalist
Milan Jovanović (1863–1944), Serbian Photographer
Milan Jovanović (born 1981), Serbian Football (soccer) Player
Milan Jovanović (born 1983), Montenegrin Football (soccer) Player
Milan Jovanović, Serbian Powerlifter
Milan Kangrga (1923–2008) Croatian-serbian Philosopher
Milan Komar (emilio Komar) (1921–2006) Slovene-argentine Catholic Philosopher
Milan Kučan (born 1941) Slovene Politician And Statesman
Milan Kundera (born 1929) Czech Writer
Milan Lucic (born 1988) Canadian Professional Ice Hockey Player
Milan Máčala (born 1943) Czech Football Coach
Milan Michálek (born 1984) Czech Professional Ice Hockey Player
Milan Mladenović (1958–1994) Serbian Musician
Milan Obrenović (1854–1901), Ruler Of Serbia From 1868 To 1889
Milan Obrenović Ii (1819–1839) Prince Of Serbia
Milan Pogačnik (born 1946) Slovene Politician
Milan Rapaić (born 1973) Croatian Football (soccer) Player
Milan Rastislav Štefánik (1880–1919) Slovak Politician, Diplomat, And Astronomer
Milan Rešetar (1860–1942) Croatian Linguist, Ragusologist, Historian And Literary Critic
Milan Stanković (born 1987) Serbian Pop-folk Singer
Milan Šufflay (1879–1931) Croatian Historian And Politician
Milan Uzelac (born 1950) Serbian Poet, Essayist
Milan Vidmar (1885–1962) Slovene Electrical Engineer, Philosopher, And Writer